What Attracts Crickets In The House? 19 Useful Methods To Get Rid Of Crickets From The House

what attracts crickets in the house

What attracts crickets in the house?

If you experience a cricket infestation, knowing what attracts crickets in the house is essential. Knowing this will help you take preventive measures. Also, if your house already has a cricket infestation, then knowing this information can help you get rid of these pests quickly. One common reason crickets invade homes is that they are looking for food. So, the first step in getting rid of these pests is to make sure that you do not have any food sources attracting them. This means keeping your house clean and free of food debris or crumbs.

Crickets are also attracted to moisture, so you can take measures that will ensure that the humidity level in your house remains at an average level. For example, fixing any leaking taps or pipes and maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for your bathroom might help in going a long way towards solving the cricket infestation problem.

Also, crickets will always try to find a place to hide, so if you can identify and remove any potential hiding spots in your home, then you will be on your way to getting rid of these pests. This includes caulking any cracks or crevices in the walls and floors and fixing torn screens or doors. In addition to these preventive measures, there are also many methods that you can use to get rid of crickets that are already in your home.

How to get rid of crickets from the house?

1. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up:

This is a quick and easy way to get rid of crickets, and it is especially effective if there are only a few of them.

2. Use a broom to sweep them away:

If there are a lot of crickets, this might not be the most effective method, but it will work for small numbers.

3. Catch them in a jar and release them outside:

This is a suitable method if you want to avoid killing the crickets.

4. Place bait (like sugar or honey) inside a jar and wait for them to come:

This is a more effective method, as it will kill the crickets.

5. Use insecticide:

This is the most effective way to get rid of crickets, but it is also the most dangerous. It is essential to read and follow the instructions carefully before using any insecticide.

6. Use a homemade trap:

There are different types of traps that you can easily make at home and use to get rid of crickets. You need to research and see which one works best for you.

7. Set up a DIY cricket trap:

A cricket trap is an effective way to get rid of crickets, especially if only a few of them are around. The good thing about such traps is that they don’t require any special skills or tools so that anyone can use them.

8. Use boric acid:

Boric acid works because it dehydrates crickets, which will eventually kill them. However, this method should not be used near pets or kids as boric acid is toxic enough to harm people. In the case of a cricket infestation in your house, make sure you find out which areas might be inaccessible for kids or pets before you use boric acid.

9. Using poison from the store:

Most of these products are available online and at garden centers where you can buy them over-the-counter. Just make sure that there are no children or pets around when using such products to get rid of crickets inside you. Also, read all instructions and safety precautions before using such products.

10. Using poisons from the drug store:

Most of these products are available online and at garden centers where you can buy them over-the-counter. Just make sure that there are no children or pets around when using such products to get rid of crickets inside your house. Also, read all instructions and safety precautions before using such products.

11. Trying a realistic option:

Since this problem is more frustrating than dangerous, you may want to consider trying a home remedy first rather than going for an insecticide right away. Not only will it save you some money, but these remedies will also help keep kids and pets safe from the chemicals in insecticides and reduce pollution levels on your property.

12. Use a cricket catcher:

This is an easy and efficient way to get rid of crickets without touching them or using any dangerous chemicals. Cricket catchers can be bought from most hardware stores, and they work by trapping the crickets inside so you can release them outside later.

13. Using a light trap:

A light trap will lure the crickets in with its bright light, and then they will be unable to escape because the sides are too slippery. This is a good option if you want to get rid of them humanely.

14. Remove plants near your house:

Crickets love to hide in tall grass and bushes, so try removing them if you have any nearby. This is an easy and efficient way to get rid of crickets from your house as long as you maintain the maintenance.

15. Get a pet:

Crickets are more likely to come into indoor spaces because they can hide in tall grass or bushes around the house, so if you have a pet that will hunt these bugs down, it would be safer for everyone involved. Just make sure not to let your pet eat the crickets, as this could be dangerous for them.

16. Get a cat:

Cats are predators for crickets, so if you have one around your house, they will be more likely to keep these insects away. Just make sure not to let the cat eat the crickets as this could be dangerous for them.

17. Reduce water near your property:

Another reason why crickets may come into your house is that there are water sources nearby, such as ponds or sprinklers that over-water the grass. If you can reduce access to these places by fencing them off, doing so would help considerably get rid of these bugs from indoor spaces.

18. Clean up regularly:

This is also an efficient way to get rid of crickets from indoors as long as you are consistent. Make sure to clean up any food crumbs or spills and sweep and mop the floors regularly.

19. Get a professional:

If all of the methods listed above do not work, then you may want to consider getting a professional to help you get rid of the cricket infestation in your house. Professionals have access to more potent insecticides and know how to properly apply them so that everyone in your household is safe from the chemicals. Just make sure to ask for a non-toxic option if available.

Final words

Crickets are attracted to many things inside and outside of your house, so it can be challenging to get rid of them once they have become a nuisance. However, using the above methods, you can easily get rid of crickets.


  • Q1. Are crickets attracted to light?

A. No, crickets are not naturally attracted to light, but they can be surprised by sudden bright lights and fly toward them. This is why you sometimes see cricket in your house when the porch light comes on at night or if someone has left a ceiling light near an open window that gets flooded with early morning sunlight.

  • Q2. Are crickets brought into the house by wind currents?

A. One-way doors work because of gravity, not wind currents. If you want to keep crickets out of your house, make sure all doors leading outside have one-way doors installed, so the door shuts behind any escaping insects without letting any new ones come in.

  • Q3. Do cricket chirps attract other crickets?

A. No, any calling or noise-making is done by males trying to attract a female mate. If you hear the chirping, something nearby is likely scaring them, and they are just trying to call attention away from themselves. This could be another male, hungry birds, cats, or humans with flashlights! Each time you shine your flashlight on them or try to catch them with your hands, you are making it even harder for the crickets to find their way out of your house.