7 Tips To Make Your Real Estate Listing Picture Perfect

House. Free public domain CC0 photo. More: View public domain image source here

A picture paints a thousand words, doesn’t it? It’s a good thing that real estate buyers spend an average of 5 to 15 minutes on your listing page. They are literally looking at your picture and making decisions from there. So if you want to convince them that your property is the best one for them, you better have the best picture possible. There are several things to keep in mind when you go ahead and take a picture of your property. Here are some tips to make your real estate listing picture-perfect.

How to Make Your Real Estate Listing Picture Perfect?

Making your real estate listing picture-perfect can be challenging, but putting your best foot forward when selling your home is worth it. Here are some tips on how to make sure your photos turn out great:

1. Consider the Background

A fireplace mantel or properly hung art can provide color to the background and improve the property’s web images. Also, don’t forget to organize those bookcases! Crammed shelves might produce a visual nightmare with diverse books and decorations. You can arrange them by matching the books and magazines based on height or the color of their sleeves. Group beautifully tiered stacks together and place them upright in a display with a few decorative items in between or on one end to provide visual interest. But always keep in mind that less is best!

2. Careful With the Props 

Props are nice, but not when they’re covering something up or making the house look too busy. They can also distract from the most important parts of the home — such as the kitchen and master bedroom — which is why you should avoid using them unless absolutely necessary.

If you do need to use props, make sure they’re tasteful and don’t overpower the room or distract from its true beauty. Instead, they should complement it by highlighting key features of the space or helping potential buyers picture themselves living there.

3. Clean the Light Fixtures 

The first thing people notice when they look at your home online is the lighting. If there are dirty light fixtures, they’ll think the rest of the house is dirty as well. Clean them before taking photos, so they look new and bright!

4. Use as Much Natural Lighting as Possible

One of the easiest methods to make rooms look spacious and bright in images is to use natural light. Try to use the flash as little as possible because it can occasionally create undesirable glares or shadows. Rainy or cloudy days should be avoided for interior home photography due to a lack of natural light, but they can be advantageous for exterior photography because the sun won’t cast deep shadows on the house.

5. Avoid Common Photo Blunders

First impressions are crucial when potential buyers browse hundreds of photographs of homes online. Ensure the toilet seat covers are closed in all your bathroom pictures. Avoid taking images with the TV on in the background since it frequently detracts from the overall quality of real estate listing photos. Before taking any pictures, move any cars in the front driveway out of the way. Make sure each space is ready for pictures by carefully inspecting it. 

6. Touch Up the Photos

After you’ve decided which photographs to use for your listing, some editing will likely be necessary. Perhaps there are distracting shadows in the inside or exterior images of the home, or obstructions in the exterior photos, such as wires or tree branches. Whatever the situation, you can correct these imperfections with a free AI photo enhancer. This user-friendly tool will let you do a lot of stuff, like changing brightness and fixing colors in a few clicks.

7. Create A Listing That Complements Your Photos

Make sure your listing is easy to navigate, looks up-to-date, and includes plenty of high-resolution photographs. Couple the beautiful visuals with engaging descriptions to create a compelling overall impression of the house.

Final Thoughts

Real estate photography is more important than you may realize. Having quality images to display helps you attract new buyers, while also helping your property sell faster. In addition to these factors, high-quality pictures are also a great way to set your home apart. If you follow these simple tips mentioned in our blog, you’ll be well on your way to taking beautiful pictures of your real estate listing!