Tiny Garden Ideas That’ll Make a Huge Impact When You Sell

Tiny Garden Ideas

As a homeowner, you put a lot of time and effort into making your house feel like a home. You’re on top of any repairs and you don’t neglect regular maintenance tasks. For all intents and purposes, you are the king of your castle and it shows. 

Even though you take great care of your home, when you’re gearing up for a quick home sale, you need to make sure that everything is in good repair, but you must also remember to make your curb appeal stand out. 

But what do you do if you have a small area outdoors? Can you really turn a small garden into a show stopper? 

Yes you can! Here’s a few ideas to get you started. 

Creating the perfect layout

In a tiny garden, you need to be strategic about where you’re placing furniture and the landscaping. When you’re designing the layout, be sure to keep walkways and terraces free and clear of limbs, leaves, and the like. 

But with that in mind, don’t forget to take into account the sun and it’s movement throughout the day! You don’t want to put in a lot of effort into planting beautiful flowers if they’re just going to die because they aren’t getting enough sunlight. 

Choose a single-color scheme

Even though we want our gardens to be a treasure trove of color, using too many colors can make your small garden feel chaotic and all over the place. Instead, we recommend choosing a single-color scheme – not just for the plants, but for the patio furniture and decor too. 

Now, this doesn’t mean everything in your garden must be a singular solid color. You can have white patio furniture with red patterned cushions. You can plant a variety of flowers, but try to keep them within the same color family. 

Repetition is your new best friend

Although your instincts may tell you to avoid repetition, don’t shy away from it. In fact, since you’re working with such a small space, repetition in a small garden can make the space feel well-designed, cohesive, and feel larger than it is. 

When you’re choosing plants for your tiny garden, we recommend choosing plants with the same colored flowers. For example, if you are planting flowering bushes, opt for one color instead of alternating between two or more colors. 

Carve out an outdoor living space

Despite having a small garden, you can’t overlook an outdoor living space. It can be something as small as a little sitting area under your favorite tree or a patio with comfort in mind. If you’re dressing up your patio, be sure to include potted plants, a few torches for lighting, and low-lying furniture that fits the space. 

Whether you’re selling your house in the near future or if you want to create a garden that you want to spend a lot of your time on, these are a few great ways to transform your tiny garden into something truly special.