Business Structures, Business Cards, and More: Tips for Coping With Climate Anxiety and Helping the Planet


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If you’re experiencing an increase in climate anxiety lately, you’re not alone. It’s completely normal to worry about the state of the planet, given our devastating environmental trajectory. The climate crisis is beginning to take its toll, not just on the planet but on our mental health as well. Climate anxiety can lead to sleeplessness, irritability, loss of appetite, and even panic attacks. Here are some tips to help you cope, courtesy of Room Dome.

Acknowledge What You Cannot Change

First, it’s important to acknowledge what you can and cannot change. This will help you differentiate between anxiety that is treatable through action and anxiety regarding things you have no power over. Uncertainty and loss of control are common anxiety triggers.

Taking action and doing your part to reduce your impact can help alleviate some of this anxiety, but what about all those things you can’t control? You can’t stop major corporations from polluting—at least not alone, and certainly not overnight. While you can join groups that fight for the planet, there will always be things to worry about.

Acknowledge the things you have no control to change. When you experience anxiety over this loss of control, turn to relaxation exercises and stress-busting activities. Exercise is a great way to release pent-up anxiety. You may also want to try meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises with help from Headspace, and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR).

Launch an Eco-Friendly Business

Acting in impactful ways is a great way to relieve some of that climate anxiety and do your part for the planet. If you’re interested in entrepreneurship, consider launching an eco-friendly business! Running a business that supports the planet will enable you to extend your activist capabilities and maximize your contribution towards environmental protection.

Starting a business involves several important steps. For example, you’ll need to form an LLC so you can shield yourself from personal liability. Check your state rules around forming an LLC before moving ahead. Once you understand your state’s specific LLC regulations, you can form your LLC on your own with the help of an online formation service.

You’ll also need to think about marketing your business. Social media is perfect for this purpose. Post about your eco-friendly business on social media and start engaging with your followers. This can help you attract consumers who are likely to share your same climate anxieties and concerns.

You should also supplement your social media marketing with some tactile, old-fashioned approaches like business cards. In fact, you can create business cards using a free template, then hand these out to potential customers to further spread the word.

Take Action in Other Impactful Ways

Starting a green business isn’t the only way to act in support of the planet. Look for green opportunities in everyday life:

  • Bike to work instead of driving your car.
  • Buy produce that’s locally produced without pesticides or herbicides.
  • Drink tap water instead of bottled water.
  • Plant trees in your backyard.
  • Grow a vegetable garden.
  • Turn your lawn into an eco-friendly landscape.
  • Use natural cleaning products in your home.
  • Buy less stuff.
  • Shop secondhand.
  • Produce less waste.

To better manage your household energy consumption, consider installing a smart meter. Energy Rates explains that a smart meter can help you track your minute-by-minute utility usage so you can adjust your habits to save money. Your utility company might also offer utility rate discounts for using energy during off-peak hours!

Climate anxiety can be debilitating. Learn how to cope with anxiety by practicing relaxation exercises and engaging in physical activity daily. You could even channel your anxiety into action by starting an eco-friendly business that fights those climate concerns keeping you up at night!