Accent your backyard with a pond

Field of grass, free public domain CC0 photo

So you just bought a house with a big backyard. You are running through ideas for your backyard and find that there are many ways to decorate it. And frankly, if you have a house that has a great space at the back, it wouldn’t be ideal to leave it in bad shape. We think glamming it up with the right accessories or additions can not only change it; it may become your new hangout space.

How to decorate my backyard?

Add some bling to a dull backyard with a large outdoor rug. Rugs are not just for the feet, they bring color too. Choose a multi-colored rug if you want to avoid the cost of having to change the whole paint and deck of your backyard.

Creating a stone path is another way to spice things up in your backyard. Stone paths are dominating the backyard kingdom these days. You can put materials like mulch, bricks, or stones to create that perfect look.

If you have a tree standing alone in your backyard, use it. Build a beautiful bench around it. You will need protective gear to get started with this project. Throw some rich colors to help the bench stand out and make your backyard look beautiful.

Or invest in a fountain. A water feature is a natural attraction for birds that will add to the beauty of your backyard.

You can bring all the above together by creating a beautiful koi pond aquarium or pond in your backyard. Ponds have a way to naturally make your backyard rememberable. Put in a rug, a stone path leading to a tree shading the pond of fishes. You can add many types of pond fish and many types of flowers. You can add benches around the tree to sit and enjoy the view. If you have a smaller space, just add the pond and bench.

Why should I have a pond in my backyard?

There are so many benefits of having a backyard pond. The best thing about ponds is that their benefits are not just limited to you. A backyard pond offers advantages to you, your house, and your family. Most people feel that having a pond in your home is a difficult job; it requires maintenance frequently. Fret not. There will not be hard labor involved in cleaning it, although you will have to be mindful of feeding the fish once you decide to keep wildlife. You will also need to keep the water habitable for the fish. Other reasons for adding a pond are:

It brings more life and happiness

If you own a house and have a backyard, the same routine can become too mundane. Going into your garden to clean the grass, mow the lawn, and eliminate pests becomes super boring. However, every day is a new day with a pond. There are new challenges, pleasures, and responsibilities.

A pond gives you access to a new and developing ecosystem. It attracts birds and animals. As you do your regular maintenance, you can enjoy the sights of chirping birds and crawling small animals wandering about. A pond’s ecosystem is never stagnant; it changes with the season, drawing people towards its beauty.

You can also try new things with your pond by adding accessories, flowers, or fish. So wake up every morning, get yourself a coffee, and enjoy your pond’s beautiful views.

It is a new lifestyle

A pond in your backyard brings in the wow factor. You can almost impress anyone who walks into your yard. Throw parties or call your friends for a BBQ night in your garden. Unless all your friends live in the same locality as you, not everyone will have access to a backyard pond. So your garden will be a puller for your friends, specially those who don’t have one. The best thing is that it will bring in its uniqueness in all seasons, so if it is summers, winter, autumn, or winter, you will see a different scene unfolding at your pond.

One more thing that adds to its beauty is the sounds of waterfalls and streams. They block out the street commotion and have a more calming effect.

You can enjoy nature

Once you add a pond to your backyard, it will instantly call all the animals. Croaking bullfrogs, speedy dragonflies, and beautiful shiny birds will come to inhabit your pond. These animals are totally harmless and just looking for peaceful environments. Furthermore, you can add fish that love and thrive in small spaces. So add a pond to your yard and see the kind of life and fantastic thing it brings.

Learning for you

If you have children in your house, this could be one of the ways to get them involved, engaged, and learn new things. Because our children are constantly learning about plants, ecosystems, and animals, you can always give them practical lessons from the comfort of your home. Of course, with ponds, a certain level of supervision is required. Ponds are a great tool to educate your children about fishes lives underwater, the kind of water temperature they need to flourish in a pond, and the maintenance that goes into the upkeep of the pond.

How to create a simple pond for my backyard?

To build a pond, here are a few things you will need to do

1.       Choose the right location

When you are looking to build the pond having the right location goes a long way. The first thing you need to be mindful of is finding level, well-drained ground. Ensure that your location is close to the fault circuit interrupter outlet and add the most direct pipelines. Furthermore, you will need to ensure no underground pipes, cables, or sewer lines can cause havoc in your pond. Also, ensure that you locate the pond under direct sunshine, as this will give you the luxury to add in many types of plants.

2.       Pond shape

Now it’s time to decide which shape you want for your pond. You can choose any shape for your pond. An irregular shape will make your pond look natural. Mark the shape on the ground before you start to dig in.

3.       Dig in

Once you know where you want the pond in your backyard and what shape it will be, it’s time to dig in! You can install a shell liner that will be easier to build around. Dig a few inches wider than the size and the shape of the pond and three inches deeper.

4.       Add sand

Add sand at the bottom of your pond and spread it to add a cushion. This will allow your pond liner to stay protected against any stones which can puncture it.

5.       Add waterfalls to aerate

Waterfalls are a great way to landscape and add oxygen to the pond. You can get a water feature from any local pond supply store and build your own waterfall.

6.       Add filter

It is essential to add in the pond filter when you are building the pond. Install it as per the instructions given in its manual.

7.       Add water

You can now start by adding water to the pond. Use a garden hose to give your pond an initial cleaning before introducing water and adding flora and fauna in and around it.

Pond ideas that will not break your budget

Pond around pallets

This is a simple design. Use a plastic storage box or the sink for your primary pond. To add an element of drama, attach entire pallets or deconstructed pallet wood around your pond. Make sure you remove any nails that may be sticking out, sand it for a smooth look, and paint it to give it a classy look.


Light on the water gives a rather special effect. What if you could add lights inside your pond? You can use any type of light for this. Make sure it’s waterproof with waterproof wiring. You can add the lights around your pond, across it, and sink a few lights under the water.

Old barrels

You can get barrels for free at drinks and bottling factories. Turn these old barrels into small ponds. You can dig them into the ground or have them standing in your backyard. Add some flowers and plants to them. Remember, you can only fill them with rainwater. Although this may be a minimalistic idea, it requires substantial water care.


You may find more than one of these ideas applicable. Starting out with a budget-friendly idea and then venturing into a full landscaped pond with animals might be a route you want to try. It will give you more confidence as you understand the process of building and maintaining a pond. However, the tips in this article aren’t exclusive to beginners or experts. So let’s get building that pond!